Spring! Our eyes begin to witness new life, flowers peeking through the soil, leaves unfurling to welcome the sun, green bursting from the shadows. New Growth portrays nature’s growth, but even more so is intended to depict personal growth. We each have a responsibility to ask ourselves important questions in order to grow. Where do I want to go? Who do I want to become? How will I choose to get there? In nature and in each person, spring is almost palpable in the air; something new is beginning, and it invites all to be a part. It is time for a new season, a call to remember why we are alive.

We must “forget the former things; not dwelling on the past. A new thing is happening! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:18-19a, NIV). Let’s ask ourselves, what is holding us back? What do we need to let go of in order to have a true revelation of what our lives could be, and then live as if we are already there. This piece ultimately depicts the stirring of my own heart in this season of New Growth.
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