So here we are in 2020, the year that we were all so excited about, anticipating some exciting adventure or windfall. The air felt electric, almost something you could grasp with your hands. Everyone I talked to had high hopes, big plans, and even bigger dreams. Everything seemed to be going right on track and then it hit. I think everyone was blindsided. Now almost every headline has some shocking twist or a new mandate of living, and none of it is like the glamorous future for which we had hoped. Yet as we have moved through each month into the middle of the year, I see the fortitude of people everywhere.

We are adaptable; we are capable of more than we know. And through all of these challenges and shakings, we have to choose where to put our attention. The “Time for a Change” piece reminds us that during chaos we are called to channel our focus. It’s all too easy to get bogged down by the influx of information both good and bad, but rather than ignoring what’s going on in the world or turning a blind eye to wrong doing, we can instead focus on things of eternal value; things that cannot be shaken. If we can purposefully focus on the promise of God’s good plans for our lives, then we can stand firm during this time of change knowing that God has the most beautiful intentions of love toward each of us. His plans for us are full of light, full of life, and full of love.
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Thanks for sharing! When it gets slow we will create more adventure! Blessings! Steve